Ohio blue corn
Ohio blue corn
ohio blue corn is also called blue clarage this all heirloom non gmo variety dates the 1920s. This is a dent field corn but its the sweetest of the colored field corn the ohio blue corn takes 85 to 100 days.
You get. Huge 8 foot stocks. And 2 nice big ears from each plant. These make for wonderful stocks at fall time. Or Halloween. Decor. Will make some of the best corn meal ever.
Here's some planting information
1st. Off wait until. It warms up after all danger of frost is gone.
2nd. Place your rows. About 2 feet apart. Note that if you are going to be using the three sisters companion method. Do 3 foot row spacing
3rd. Place you seeds about a foot apart
4th. Plant your seeds about 1inch down
Note. If your in a high wind area. You can plant
Your seeds a little deeper. This will make them stronger. But will take a few extra days. For them to pop up. Thank you
Happy growing!!!