Big horse spotted corn)
Big horse spotted corn)
Big horse spotted corn is a heirloom that goes back centuries its from the Osage people. And this is beyond rare. It's on the endangered list we are one of the few growers in the country that grow and offer this variety
The big horse spotted corn produces some of the best. Looking corn we have ever seen. Each of the lighter kernals have colored pok a dots.
Will turn heads. And is a great addition to any market garden line up.
Also this variety is very hardy. Will grow no matter what wind weeds. Bugs. You forget to irragate
We harvest and shuck this variety by hand to ensure quantity. It will be ready in about 90 days.
You will a big long ear. And a smaller ear off every stock
Please If your going to order a large quantity
Save a little of the seed you harvest. It's up to growers like us to keep this variety off the endangered list for folks to enjoy for generations to come. This is non gmo heirloom beyond organic
Plant early. Plant often happy growing!!!